E-Recruitment and its scope in business
February 06, 2020
While you spend hours and lot of capital in traditional process of recruitment, all the steps are simplified after introduction of internet and development of various recruitment software’s, portals, and sites makes the whole process perfectly balanced between quality and cost, you can approach thousands of professionals, advertise about your vacancy and attract the most talented and interested personnel who are fit for not only job but also for your organizational culture. You can save time and cost by advertising, reaching larger talent pools, conducting tests and recruitment process becomes more efficient and easy to record details of the applicant.
But few mistakes and incompetency can prove whole mode to be disaster like for instance, if the HR department isn’t competent with the internet, or if they do not conduct the vetting process thoroughly. You might lose out on the most valuable and well-trained candidates for the job. This loss of human capital can present massive costs down the line, which will outweigh the initial savings in recruitment costs. As you’ve read, job boards and the traditional recruiting methods for finding great candidates aren’t working anymore. But that’s what we are here to do. We work solely for our clients to find them the best candidates for their positions, so they don’t have to. We know that our clients are just as busy as we are, and they deserve to have experts pushing their companies forward while still filling their critical roles.
The smartest business decision you can make is to hire qualified people.
Bringing the right people on board saves you thousands,
and your business will run smoothly and efficiently.-Brian Tracy
Mangalam Placement provides you expertise solution for all the problems and helps to make your human resource processes as effective and up to date as possible, as we provide HR outsourcing services to many well known organization’s and start-ups, for few companies concerned about losing control, confidential data’s and many more issues we have introduced HR software which has database of mostly all professionals of various experience and
qualifications into Company secretaries, accountants, finance. We provide you platform for video CV’s which helps in initial screening process of candidates for saving time and increase in efficiency, you can post vacancy and reach large pool of talent and attract only the best along with constant technical support of our qualified and experienced staff.
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